Transition Services


What are transition services?
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004 defines secondary transition as a coordinated set of activities designed to be within a results-oriented process, focused on improving the academic achievement and functional performance to facilitate movement from school to post-secondary activities, such as postsecondary education; career and technical education; integrated employment; continuing and adult education; adult services; independent living; and community participation. 

In order to plan effectively, transition planning should begin no later than the first IEP to be in effect when the student is 14.  New Kent County Public Schools initiates the transition planning in the 6th grade.  Planning is based upon age appropriate transition assessments that outline the student’s individual needs, strengths, preferences, and interests.  Assessments may include observations, interviews, inventories, as well as formal and informal assessments.

A discussion must take place with the student, family/guardian, and others as needed, to determine the post-school vision for the student.  Postsecondary goals for education, employment, training and independent living are developed and included in the IEP.  Activities and courses of study are also included that will help the student achieve his/her postsecondary goals. 

Who participates in the transition planning?

  • Student
  • Parent/Guardian
  • Case Manager
  • Teachers and other school personnel
  • Community and adult service agency representatives (if applicable)

What questions should be considered when transition planning?

What do you want to do after high school?

What kind of job/career do you want?

What kind of education/training will you need?

What courses or activities can you participate in now to help you reach your postsecondary goals?

Where will you live after high school?

What leisure activities will you participate in after graduation?

What will be your mode of transportation after high school?

What supports will you need in place after graduation?


New Kent County Public Schools Transition Brochure
Age of Majority Brochure
Virginia Department of Education 
Transfer of Rights 
Transfer of Rights in Spanish 

Virginia Career View
Virginia Education Wizard

If you cannot find the answer you are looking for about transition, please contact your child’s assigned case manager, school principal, or the Secondary Lead Teacher for any additional questions.